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This Week In Ideas Shared With A Panopto Video — July 25, 2014
Often as businesses and schools come to us to begin rolling out video for lecture capture, presentation recording, or social learning, a key initial challenge can be just soothing the nervousness some staff feel at the idea of recording their ideas with video.
Seeing one’s self on video adds a new dimension to how we view our message — and at first, it can feel foreign. Everyone thinks their voice sounds funny on tape, after all — for the first few recordings, it’s easy to see how video compounds that effect.
And yet, the fact that video adds a new dimension to your message is exactly what makes video so valuable.
90 percent of communication is nonverbal after all, and as social creatures, human beings naturally prescribe more importance to a message straight from the mouth of a recognized expert — be it a trainer, teacher, executive, or in-house specialist.
Best of all, video helps take sharing ideas back to our roots — storytelling is of course a tradition well older than the written word, and even today many professionals would contend they can get their point across more effectively “if we could just meet in person”.
Video may be new, but it allows presenters of all stripes to tap into a very old part of our psychology — enabling anyone to communicate and share more effectively. A few tries is often all it takes for even the most camera shy to see just how easy — and valuable — recording and sharing a presentation with video can be.
This week we saw ever more educational and entertaining recordings among the latest presentations shared online with the Panopto video platform. And in the spirit of passing it on, these are just a few of the ideas shared this week with Panopto’s presentation recording software.

Community of Operations Planning for Court Systems, Attorneys, and the Legal Community
The Cook County Department of Homeland Security and Emergency Management shares this recorded presentation from the American Bar Association’s Committee on Disaster Response and Preparedness. Disaster preparedness is a subject that should never be learned after-the-fact — in this discussion, the organization discusses details about how disaster response and preparedness have been planned for in across the legal system.

Living at the Sharp End of Environmental Uncertainty in Small Island States
This recorded conference keynote comes from the University of Bristol, and explores the implications for sustainability and education for sustainable development in small island states. With contributions from Caribbean, Pacific and Indian Ocean small island states, this conference delves into the issues of environmental instability that threaten the very being of many nations around the world.

Transplant Overview – Henry Ford Medical Group
Dr. Mariella Goggins shares her expertise on kidney transplantation in this recorded professional learning seminar. Dr. Goggins speaks to the benefits of transplantation, discusses the state of the donor pool, and instructs her colleagues in the healthcare industry on the details of how transplants are done and the variables to consider when proposing or performing the practice. For medical professionals, it’s an essential presentation on an important subject.

Introduction to Shakespeare and MacBeth
Feeling classically inclined? Join the University of Alabama in Huntsville for this introduction to Shakespeare. An excellent example of a lecture prepared for a flipped classroom, this session introduces the Bard with a detailed biography, then moves on to take a close look into one of his most celebrated works.

Professional & Personal Development
Sit in on this recorded presentation from Pfizer’s Jen Muszik as she shares with the Butler University College of Pharmacy and Health Sciences some of the best practices she’s found for developing and directing personal and professional development. Muszik’s talk looks at development considerations that span an entire career — beginning in college, building a life and career, and looking back over time.

The Cardiovascular Physical Examination
Learn more about how cardiac exams are conducted, in this recorded lecture from the University of California, Riverside, School of Medicine. In this week’s class, guest lecturer Dr. Jeffrey Brand, Attending Cardiologist at Kaiser Permanente, Riverside, offers a detailed review of virtually every aspect of conducting a complete cardiovascular examination — from symptoms to watch for, tools to use, and topics to discuss with patients.

Rocket Propulsion 1
Sometimes a great idea really is rocket science. For our final idea this week, we rejoin the University of Alabama at Huntsville for this lecture capture video on rocket propulsion. Get the physics on how motor cases, rocket nozzle design, pyrotechnic igniters and more work together to create a hunk of steel that can launch itself into outer space.
Try It For Yourself!
Panopto makes it easy for anyone, anywhere to record presentations and share them online, both as live streaming webcasts and recorded on-demand video. To see how Panopto can help you share your ideas, contact our team for a free trial today.