HomeBridging Gaps in Healthcare Training: EIT Health Academy’s Strategic Approach

Bridging Gaps in Healthcare Training: EIT Health Academy’s Strategic Approach


6,000+ Panopto users

50+ courses offered

60% reduction in error rates

Empowering Experts, Inspiring Learners

EIT Health Academy has supported over 6000 learners with an offering of 50+ courses. It has created a network connecting learners with over 150 partners, from academic institutions and hospitals to industry experts and startups.

Partner Challenges in Training Video Production

Although the cultural, linguistic, and disciplinary diversity of EIT Health Academy’s partners is an invaluable asset, it also posed unique challenges for course development. Through a series of learning design workshops and consortiums with a range of experts, the Academy identified video as central to its pedagogical model.

Selecting Effective Training Software 

Having decided on video as its content delivery channel, how could EIT Health Academy ensure consistent content quality from partners with varied tech tools and levels of technological literacy? Despite the complexity of upskilling Europe’s healthcare workforce, EIT Health Academy understands that its learners aren’t afforded much free time and that training must be effective from the start.

The Academy also faced the challenge of ensuring learning outcomes that could directly impact patient outcomes, with complex subjects ranging from artificial intelligence to surgical robotics, while also accommodating learners’ time constraints.

Ensuring Content Consistency 

Adding to the stakes for both EIT Health Academy and its learners, the Academy is also measured on learners’ abilities to develop their own startup companies. “The desired outcome for us is learners meeting their learning outcomes and completing their course of study. But it’s also for learners to develop such competency that they feel enabled and empowered to bring their ideas to market,” shares David Pollard, EIT Health Academy’s Head of Digital Learning, Education Platforms and Scaling.

“Ultimately, it’s about reducing friction for learners and subject matter experts. They want to deliver their content without worrying about the technology, and that’s where something as intuitive as Panopto helps.”

Patrick Kiely, Digital Learning Consultant, EIT Health Academy

Evaluating Training Video Software Platforms

Bearing the responsibility of upskilling European healthcare workers and creating a community of innovators, EIT Health Academy identified that “video was a key requirement, and that informed our procurement of Panopto,” states Patrick Kiely, EIT Health Academy’s Digital Learning Consultant.

The Academy’s requirement for best-in-class solutions led it to choose Panopto from the start of its course design. For EIT Health Academy’s learners, Panopto’s integration with its LMS, Flux, helped create a uniform, easily navigable platform.

Video Training Platform Designed for Expert and Learner Efficiency

Despite the varied expert perspectives on complex medical and technological topics, “learners knew what to expect week-to-week in terms of navigation cues, how information is presented, and what types of activities they’d be undertaking,” shares Kiely.

“Ultimately, it’s about reducing friction for learners and subject matter experts. They want to deliver their content without worrying about the technology, and that’s where something as intuitive as Panopto helps,” Kiely adds.

Creating Training Videos for Consortium-Based Modules

Panopto’s intuitive toolset empowered EIT Health Academy’s experts to share their knowledge without having to learn the intricacies of video. They can easily record and upload content from their phones, web browsers, or within the Panopto recorder.

EIT Health Academy also employs Panopto’s versatility in consortium-based modules. This teaching method gathers recordings of the Academy’s experts around specific topics for a nuanced, interdisciplinary discourse.

Supporting Proficiency-Based Progression Training 

Alternatively, this method can also take the form of online-streamed discussions where experts address one another’s perspectives. Panopto’s toolset allowed EIT Health Academy to manage and standardize videos from various formats and languages, presenting the information to learners in coherent modules.

Driving Desired Learning Outcomes 

“I’d describe Panopto as kind of a Swiss army knife for video, as it gives us a solution for every challenge that our subject matter experts can come across,” remarks Kiely.

EIT Health Academy uses a proficiency-based-progression (PBP) pedagogical model. “We break tasks down into steps, errors, and critical errors, and develop curricula based on that. With that level of measurement, we can ensure greater training efficiency,” Kiely shares.

Reducing the occurrence of errors is an important learning outcome for EIT Health Academy’s learners, and its efforts have resulted in an average error reduction rate of 60% among graduates.

With a focus on proficiency metrics, EIT Health Academy uses Panopto’s analytics to track learner engagement and compares this with learning outcomes tracked using Panopto’s quizzing, which also gates student progress to further topics if they don’t meet the learning benchmark.

Continuous Improvement with Training Video Software

“We think our content is the best, and Panopto is able to tell us where engagement might fall off and when we’re doing well,” comments Pollard.

EIT Health Academy draws from Panopto’s analytics to reassess its course material for potential sticking points, then records and edits updates and clarifications. Panopto’s non-destructive editor allows the Academy to perform these updates, which is increasingly important to the Academy’s content.

The cutting-edge topics explored in EIT Health Academy’s modules require consistent updates. New findings in these areas increase the space for the academy’s community of passionate learners to innovate. Panopto will continue to grow and innovate to maintain its place as the best-in-class solution for EIT Health Academy.

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