What Students Want Most from Video Learning and How Your Institution Can Help

About the Webinar
To build a flexible but effective future of education, is your institution keeping up with what students want most from learning with video across online, in-person, and hybrid programs? New Panopto and College Pulse research suggests gaps between student wants and experiences.
For example, while two-thirds of students prefer enrolling in classes with video, only one-third say their lectures are available on demand. That’s a big gap.
And here’s another. Only one-third of students say their course-related videos are easily searchable, but almost all (96%) say videos for learning should be easy to find.
These are big disparities but also opportunities for improvement. Now, we’re making what students want most from digital learning easier to find for you–so your institution can design learning that works.
Panopto and College Pulse partnered to survey over 1,500 verified students to get the inside scoop on what students want most from video learning.
Join us on July 18 at 2 pm ET for “Tuning In: What Students Want Most from Video Learning and How Your Institution Can Help” to get today’s student voices–so you can track your institution’s progress in supporting them.
You’ll learn:
- Gaps between what students want and expect versus experience.
- How on-demand lecture availability affects enrollment choices.
- How students like to use video on campus outside course-related content.
- Student perceptions of AI, from assignment notifications, generated content, and more.
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